Friday, December 9, 2016


About 10 years ago, my dad decided to write a book about officiating football. He has been a professional football referee since I was born so it is definitely in his blood. He had to retire from working on the field due to some back problems, but still wanted to be apart of the game. That's when the book came about. He didn't get very many publishing offers in the beginning and decided to self publish and advertise. Why you ask did I just tell you this story? Because it came to my mind a lot during Erik Hanberg's presentation to our class.
I am so amazed by people that can write novels. The dedication and focus that someone must have to be able to write that much and stay on track is amazing to me. Even more, I can't believe how many Erik has wrote. The way that he talked about advertising and how much is changing now with social media and being able to cut costs by doing a lot of it yourself instead of paying others to do it was pretty amazing. I know a lot of people that do sales for at-home businesses on Facebook and seem to make a lot of sales. Might as well advertise yourself instead of just share pictures of your kids.
Erik seems like a very talented man and has lots of knowledge. He has a great following and is very organized in what he does. I really enjoyed his presentation.

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