Wednesday, December 7, 2016


I will be honest, I don't remember the name of the group that did the presentation, but my favorite one was talking about ethics on the internet. As a parent, I know that I post a lot of things about my son without his consent. He is 3 years old so he really doesn't understand what is going on. He will grow up with people that are strangers to him knowing a lot of personal things he has gone through. That is a scary thought to think about.
However, he will be growing up in a technology era. The information that is at our fingertips right now is something that he will grow up with as being "normal". He won't know what dial up internet is, or using a paper phonebook, or what life is like without social media. That will be instilled in his brain. And he also wont be alone. All the kids that are growing up in his generation will all be exposed to social media from a young age. Access to baby pictures, milestones, and funny moments of their childhood is something that they can all sit around and laugh at together.
I also enjoyed learning about the Black Lives Matter movement. I know that a lot of the things that movement fights for does not affect my everyday life. But the fact that it is important to a group means its important to me. And I would hope that they would have the same respect for my views. Social media isn't just about sharing baby pictures of our kids, but can be used as a platform for change.

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